The Big Idea (from “Tomorrow’s God” by Neale Donald Walsch)



Yet now you must choose between little love and big love, between little life and big life, between little God and big God, between little freedom and big freedom, between little joy and big joy, between little wisdom and big wisdom, between little world and big world.

You must choose, now, your little idea or your big idea. And should you choose the latter in all of these things, make no mistake about it, everyone will challenge you, everyone will question you, everyone will say…

“Hey, what’s the big idea?

And you will have an opportunity to say to them:

The Big Idea is that We Are All One.

The Big Idea is that there is only One God, and this One God does not care whether you are Catholic or Protestant, Jewish or Muslim, Hindu or Mormon, or have no religion at all.

The Big Idea is that all we have to do is love each other, and everything else in our world will take care of itself out of our willingness to act in loving ways with each other.

The Big Idea is that none of us is any better than any other of us.

The Big Idea is that all the earth’s natural resources belong to all the world’s people, and this has nothing to do with what land mass that resource is located on, over, or under.

The Big Idea is that no one really “owns” anything, least of all each other, or chunks of the planet itself, which is the home of our species.

The Big Idea is that freedom is the essence of Life, not something you earn or can be granted, but What You ARE, and any effort to limit its expression is an effort to limit Life Itself, which will be re-created by the soul at every level until the soul, which IS freedom, is fully expressed in every moment.

The Big Idea is that love knows no condition or limitation of any kind, and that any effort to limit its expression is an effort to limit Life Itself, which will be re-created by the soul at every level until the soul, which IS love, is fully expressed in every moment.

The Big Idea is that joy is your natural state of being, and that joy is always most fully and most rapidly experienced by giving it away.

These are some of the Big Ideas, and there are more.

How Neo-Ren is this?

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