Tag Archives: Consciousness

Awareness of your surroundings soon extends to the environment, the animal world and the rest of the Universe. And all this leads to an increased consciousness for the elevated souls claiming to be a part of Neo-Ren.

This new, ‘complete’ tree of life shows how 2.3 million species are related


By Rachel Feltman
Scientists have released a new version of the tree of life, showing everything we know about how the living things of Earth are related to one another. With 2.3 million species and counting, it’s the most complete model of its kind — but there’s a lot more work to do.

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Why There Are 360 Degrees In A Circle?


〄 3 6 9 – “If you only knew the magnificence of the 3, 6 and 9, then you would have a key to the universe.” – Nikola Tesla

Have you ever wondered why there are 360 degrees in a circle? This short video distills a lot of information about numbers, geometry and the relationship between them.

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The science behind cannabinoids is clear: marijuana helps brain achieve breakthroughs in learning, consciousness and understanding


(NaturalNews) A great misunderstanding regarding the therapeutic value of the cannabis plant persists, even within some reform circles. Marijuana is often lumped into the same category as cigarettes, hard drugs, and even alcohol, with the latest trend being to designate cannabis as “less harmful” than these other substances. In reality, cannabis isn’t actually harmful at all, and it can help improve the way people think, process and understand information, and even function physically.

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The Neurobiology of Grace Under Pressure

When was the last time that you had to perform gracefully in a high-pressure situation? How did you handle it? Did you choke or did you have grace under pressure? Researchers continue to confirm that daily habits of mindset and behavior can create a positive snowball effect through a feedback loop linked to stimulating your vagus nerve. In this entry I will show you 8 habits that stimulate healthy ‘vagal tone’ and allow you to harness the power of your vagus nerve to help you stay calm, cool, and collected in any storm.

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Steve Jobs’s Secret to Greatness: Yogananda – BY HITENDRA WADHWA

The story of the spiritual teacher who was a silent force in the life of the most important entrepreneur of our times.

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The Revolution of Consciousness, by Marianne Williamson



There is a revolution occurring in the world today, but it is not fought with armies and it does not aim to kill. It is a revolution of consciousness.

This revolution is to the 21st century what the Scientific Revolution was to the 20th. The Scientific Revolution revealed objective, discernable laws of external phenomena and applied those laws to the material world. The Consciousness Revolution reveals objective, discernable laws of internal phenomena and applies them to the world as well.
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