
The underlying principle is that we, humans, animals, vegetal and mineral, earth and all planets and galaxies, what we see and what we don’t see, all are part of ONE.

Is The Human Brain Hardwired for God?


Is The Human Brain Hardwired for God?

What’s the Big Idea?

Our Lady of Lourdes appears 18 times to a miller’s daughter collecting firewood in a small market town in France. A young woman leads an army through critical strategic victories in the 100 Years’ War, claiming to be guided by divine insight. In the very first hours of the 20th century, a student asks God to fill her with the holy spirit and begins to speak in tongues. Continue reading Is The Human Brain Hardwired for God?

How Neo-Ren is this?

The Case Against Competition

CompetitionThe Case Against Competition
By Alfie Kohn

When it comes to competition, we Americans typically recognize only two legitimate positions: enthusiastic support and qualified support.

The first view holds that the more we immerse our children (and ourselves) in rivalry, the better. Competition builds character and produces excellence. The second stance admits that our society has gotten carried away with the need to be Number One, that we push our kids too hard and too fast to become winners — but insists that competition can be healthy and fun if we keep it in perspective. Continue reading The Case Against Competition

How Neo-Ren is this?


Biohacking is a fairly new practice that could lead to major changes in our life. You could it call citizen or do-it-your-self biology. It takes place in small labs — mostly non-university — where all sorts of people get together to explore biology. That could mean figuring out how the DNA in plants affects their growth, or how to manipulate genes from another source to make a plant glow in the dark. It often is aimed at producing a product, like the chairs and building blocks that artist Philip Ross makes by feeding mushrooms a meal of sawdust or peanut shavings. It is experimenting on the cheap, usually without the benefit of a fancy university laboratory, and it often involves DNA and genes. If you don’t know enough biology to take part at first, you learn it along the way.

How Neo-Ren is this?


A concept so simple and at the same time so difficult to grasp.
The underlying principle is that we, humans, animals, vegetal and mineral, earth and all planets and galaxies, what we see and what we don’t see, all are part of ONE.
Once you enter more in details into the meaning of ONE, you will understand the implications and ramifications deriving from this concept.
It is a concept because it is very difficult to prove rationally. And what is amazing is that once you feel it, once you start applying it in your life, it will become an intrinsic part of your life and you would want to enjoy it and share it with the people you love.

– The fact or state of being unified or whole, though comprised of two or more parts.
“the oneness of man and nature”
– Identity or harmony with someone or something:

How Neo-Ren is this?