While we see space as a visually mysterious environment and relish in all the amazing photographs of the planets, galaxies, and solar systems, we don’t pay a whole lot of attention to the audible aspect of space. Continue reading NASA Actually Recorded Sound In Space, And It’s Absolutely Bone Chilling
All posts by jero
A Beginner’s Guide to Biohacking
Warning: This is going to be interactive. Continue reading A Beginner’s Guide to Biohacking
The World of Quantum – Full Documentary HD
Watch the dark side of Quantum Physics —
The World of Quantum – Full Documentary HD Continue reading The World of Quantum – Full Documentary HD
A Brief History Of Everything, With Neil deGrasse Tyson
by Danielle Andrew

photo credit: Quintuplet Cluster. NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope image.
Most of us have been exposed to the concepts of astrophysics, the Big Bang theory, and evolution. Some may be very well versed, others may have a rudimentary understanding. Continue reading A Brief History Of Everything, With Neil deGrasse Tyson
Fly Over Pluto With This Animated Video From NASA’s New Horizons
by Morenike Adebayo

photo credit: An animation of the mountainous terrain of Pluto as seen by NASA’s New Horizons spacecraft. NASA.gov/YouTube
Last week was a notable one for NASA as its New Horizons spacecraft began sending back stunning shots of Pluto on its trailblazing flyby.
Continue reading Fly Over Pluto With This Animated Video From NASA’s New Horizons
Is The Human Brain Hardwired for God?
Is The Human Brain Hardwired for God?
What’s the Big Idea?
Our Lady of Lourdes appears 18 times to a miller’s daughter collecting firewood in a small market town in France. A young woman leads an army through critical strategic victories in the 100 Years’ War, claiming to be guided by divine insight. In the very first hours of the 20th century, a student asks God to fill her with the holy spirit and begins to speak in tongues. Continue reading Is The Human Brain Hardwired for God?
What The Bleep Do We Know!?
Scientists in the movie What The Bleep Do We Know!? are talking about “a sea of energy” and that we all are part of this sea. We are droplets in his big universal ocean and hence we are all connected. Continue reading What The Bleep Do We Know!?