All posts by jero

Eating spicy food could be key to longer life, says study


You could give death a ditch by eating spicy food, especially fresh chilli, according to a Chinese study, researchers said Tuesday.

Although the researchers cautioned that it was too early to draw a final conclusion on the potential benefits of spicy food. They said that further research was required for updated dietary recommendations. Continue reading Eating spicy food could be key to longer life, says study

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Is The Human Brain Hardwired for God?


What’s the Big Idea?

Our Lady of Lourdes appears 18 times to a miller’s daughter collecting firewood in a small market town in France. A young woman leads an army through critical strategic victories in the 100 Years’ War, claiming to be guided by divine insight. In the very first hours of the 20th century, a student asks God to fill her with the holy spirit and begins to speak in tongues. Continue reading Is The Human Brain Hardwired for God?

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Sentience: the coming AI revolution and the implications for marketing

The AI revolution is coming to marketing, according to PHD
The AI revolution is coming to marketing, according to PHD

Artificial intelligence (AI) is here today, and getting smarter every year. With both computing power and data collection increasing exponentially, our machines are gaining on us. Within just over a decade from now they will be far more intelligent than we are, according to PHD’s book ‘Sentience: The Coming AI Revolution and the Implications for Marketing’.

Continue reading Sentience: the coming AI revolution and the implications for marketing

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This Top-Secret Food Will Change the Way You Eat



Beyond Meat CEO Ethan Brown tests one of the company’s burgers. Photo: Misha Gravenor

More protein than beef. More omegas than salmon. Tons of calcium, antioxidants, and vitamin B. In their secret R&D lab, the scientists at Beyond Meat concocted a plant-protein-based performance burger that delivers the juicy flavor and texture of the real thing with none of the dietary and environmental downsides. Continue reading This Top-Secret Food Will Change the Way You Eat

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The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success

The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success

Deepak Chopra’s holistic and spiritual views of life are so profound that they have offered millions around the world an opportunity to learn transformative concepts in coping with physical illness, emotional turmoil, stress, loss and many other factors that affect our wellbeing. In The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success, Chopra outlines 7 powerful principles you can use to fulfill your deepest desires with effortless joy. If you put them into practice, you’ll realize that you can manifest whatever you’ve been dreaming about.

Continue reading The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success

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Spiritual Life in Education: The New Ivy League


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