Tag Archives: Arts

If there is really an area where it is obvious that we have entered a renaissance it is in the Arts where new electronic tools have allowed creators to expand their limits

The first online-only art biennale is live


Glitch art at the New Digital Art Biennale

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The Wrong – New Digital Art Biennale is officially open to visitors. The amount of digital art work arrayed across its 30 or so online pavillions is gobsmacking, and I heartily encourage you to go lose an afternoon in there. The Wrong obsensibly has no theme, instead devolving curatorial responsibility to each of the talents in charge of the pavillions. But its name, coupled with its official partnership with the Glitche app (which allows iPhone users to glitch their own images), makes me wonder what sort of glitch art will be exhibited.

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How Neo-Ren is this?