
Sustainability creates and maintains the conditions under which humans and nature can exist in productive harmony, that permit fulfilling the social, economic and other requirements of present and future generations.

LifeStraw water filters convert contaminated water into clean, safe drinking water.


LifeStraw® water filters convert contaminated water into clean, safe drinking water. The easy-to-use filters are a vital tool for some of the 780 million people who don’t have ready access to safe drinking water. This leaves them at risk for diarrheal disease, which kills more than 1.5 million people every year. Continue reading LifeStraw water filters convert contaminated water into clean, safe drinking water.

How Neo-Ren is this?

10 incredible quotes from the Great Nikola Tesla

Nikola Tesla is the ULTIMATE Mad scientists, a genius that was perhaps born in the wrong century, a brilliant mind incomparable to the rest. His work, ideas and inventions are one of the main reasons for today’s technology, if Tesla had not existed, we would still be looking for answers which Tesla answered in his lifetime.

Continue reading 10 incredible quotes from the Great Nikola Tesla

How Neo-Ren is this?

It’s A Silent Rooftop Turbine Which Could Produce Half Of Your Home’s Energy Needs

Archimedes Wind Turbinne

The Thing About These Archimedes Screw Turbines Is They Are So Mesmerizing To Watch.

This type of turbines blade has solved the noise problem these small household turbines have been known for.

Continue reading It’s A Silent Rooftop Turbine Which Could Produce Half Of Your Home’s Energy Needs

How Neo-Ren is this?

The hub of Neo-Renaissance