Understanding Awareness – A discussion of the challenges and obstacles of raising your awareness, and what the spiritual journey entails.
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All posts by jero
Sacred Geometry & Consciousness – THE POWER OF SPIN ( Resonance Project )
The Resonance Project presents.. ” The POWER of SPIN ”(complete)
This is very important information, brilliantly described and communicated by these wonderful individuals with vision and wisdom. Continue reading Sacred Geometry & Consciousness – THE POWER OF SPIN ( Resonance Project )
Gravitational Waves Have Been Detected For The First Time
by Alfredo Carpineti
photo credit: An exaggerated version of how the two black holes merging might create gravitational waves. IFLScience/C. Jones
The Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO) in the United States has detected gravitational waves for the first time. This is one of the most important astrophysical observations since the discovery of the Cosmic Microwave Background.
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10 incredible quotes from the Great Nikola Tesla
Nikola Tesla is the ULTIMATE Mad scientists, a genius that was perhaps born in the wrong century, a brilliant mind incomparable to the rest. His work, ideas and inventions are one of the main reasons for today’s technology, if Tesla had not existed, we would still be looking for answers which Tesla answered in his lifetime.
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The sound of the Sun
The Proof that Even the Sun says “Aum”. NASA has confirmed this & recorded the sound of Sun. Must see video & a must share…. “AUM
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How to Lose Your Mind and Create a New One
By Katrin Geist
Guest Writer for Wake Up World
Breaking the habit of being yourself requires – dare I say it? – discipline. Daily discipline. And once you embark on it, it’s the most wonderful process in the making. It is exciting and fun, and it becomes easier and easier with every time you practice, just like training a muscle. You do indeed create your life! You’re in the driver’s seat, entirely. And if that’s not great news, I do not know what is! You absolutely have the power to change your life in any way you desire. You create your life every day, with volition or without, on a nerve cell/brain structure and thought/quantum level.
Religious belief the world over has a strenuous relationship with intellectualism. But why?
Should you believe in a God? Not according to most academic philosophers. A comprehensive survey revealed that only about 14 percent of English speaking professional philosophers are theists. As for what little religious belief remains among their colleagues, most professional philosophers regard it as a strange aberration among otherwise intelligent people. Among scientists the situation is much the same. Surveys of the members of the National Academy of Sciences, composed of the most prestigious scientists in the world, show that religious belief among them is practically nonexistent, about 7 percent.
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