
This Top-Secret Food Will Change the Way You Eat



Beyond Meat CEO Ethan Brown tests one of the company’s burgers. Photo: Misha Gravenor

More protein than beef. More omegas than salmon. Tons of calcium, antioxidants, and vitamin B. In their secret R&D lab, the scientists at Beyond Meat concocted a plant-protein-based performance burger that delivers the juicy flavor and texture of the real thing with none of the dietary and environmental downsides. Continue reading This Top-Secret Food Will Change the Way You Eat

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Scientists Closing in on Theory of Consciousness

By Tanya Lewis
Probably for as long as humans have been able to grasp the concept of consciousness, they have sought to understand the phenomenon.

Studying the mind was once the province of philosophers, some of whom still believe the subject is inherently unknowable. But neuroscientists are making strides in developing a true science of the self.

Here are some of the best contenders for a theory of consciousness.

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Physicists Admit The Universe Is Immaterial, Mental & Spiritual


Arjun Walia | Collective Evolution

“Consciousness creates reality,” a statement that has gained a lot of attention across various alternative media outlets around the world. Make no mistake, consciousness has been (for quite some time) studied by numerous scientists, especially in its relation to quantum physics and how it might be correlated with the nature of our reality.

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The market for computer-created artwork is growing

LONDON — Is digital art the next big thing in the contemporary art world?

At the moment, the market for art that’s created and displayed on a screen — as distinct from paintings, prints and photos that are generated digitally and then printed — is small. Phillips’s inaugural “Paddles ON!” sale of 20 digital and digitally-related works in New York last October, held in association with the image-posting site Tumblr, was the first such event to be held at an international auction house. It raised just $90,600 — enough to buy a few square inches of a Christopher Wool painting. The top price of $16,000 went for “Asymmetric Love Number 2,” a chandelier made out of CCTV cameras, by the American “anti-disciplinarian” artist Addie Wagenknecht. Continue reading The market for computer-created artwork is growing

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The first online-only art biennale is live


Glitch art at the New Digital Art Biennale

Glitch Twitter

The Wrong – New Digital Art Biennale is officially open to visitors. The amount of digital art work arrayed across its 30 or so online pavillions is gobsmacking, and I heartily encourage you to go lose an afternoon in there. The Wrong obsensibly has no theme, instead devolving curatorial responsibility to each of the talents in charge of the pavillions. But its name, coupled with its official partnership with the Glitche app (which allows iPhone users to glitch their own images), makes me wonder what sort of glitch art will be exhibited.

Continue reading The first online-only art biennale is live

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